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Travel to the Aeoluz system in pursuit of a grand threat in Astroneer: Glitchwalkers.
The Glitchwalkers DLC is our first ever expansion to Astroneer, offering a new space to explore as well as new narrative, gameplay, and mysteries to uncover. Be warned, this content will test the skills you have honed in the base game of Astroneer. Once you step through the portal to Aeoluz, you are starting a brand new save with an entirely new progression.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There is required base game progress to get into this expansion. Once players have completed the mission A Core Concept in any save in Astroneer, a new mission called Is This Thing On? will become available in the Mission Log. Complete that subsequent mission chain and then use the brand new Glitchwalkers main menu to launch down to Aeoluz and start a new Aeoluz specific save.
Aeoluz, a brand new planet, is our biggest and most complex to date. New biomes and challenges await any Astroneer brave or foolish enough to set foot on this uncharted world. This planet will provide much more of a challenge, as your foe has re-written the very rules of this world to stop you.
A rogue Astroneer has wormed into the system and taken control, threatening against any interlopers who may interfere with this unprecedented power grab. This foe is modifying this new planet to stop Astroneers from interfering with their plans. Expect unfriendly terrain, well placed defense hazards, and interference along the way.
Glitched Storms have appeared in the solar system, players will have to prevent themselves from getting hacked by these tempests to give themselves any chance of succeeding in their mission. Storms have also been added to the base game for everyone to enjoy! These are not the storms of old but instead an entirely new system.
Astroneers must draw on their training and quickly adapt to their dangerous new surroundings. Bl!tz has hacked and reset your catalog, forcing you to work together with a mysterious benefactor to get access to the tools you will need to survive.
In addition to the expansion, all players will continue to see narrative, gameplay, and various improvements added to Astroneer.
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Bármilyen játékszoftver használati, beállítási vagy kódkérdéssel kapcsolatban a hivatalos technikai segítségnyújtás tud segíteni, nem mi. Elérhetőségük megtalálható a játék dobozán/kézikönyvében és a számlán.
A játék futását a kiadó csak azokon a Windows változatokon szavatolja, amelyek a rendszerigényben fel vannak tüntetve. Ha például egy játéknál nem szerepel a Windows 10, akkor nem is feltétlenül fog futni Windows 10-en.
A játékok jellemzően normál, asztali számítógépekre vannak tervezve. Notebook-on történő futásuk egyáltalán nem garantált, kivéve, ha kimondottan szerepel a rendszerigényben az, hogy a játék támogat egyes hordozható gépeket.
A játékok elképzelhető, hogy csak Magyarország területén belül aktiválhatók a neten ill. játszhatóak, más országban történő működésük nem szavatolt.
Ügyfélfogadás: Hétfő–Péntek 9-17 óráig
Telefon: (06-1) 479-0933, (06-30) 670-6418